Sunday, May 31, 2020

New! SAT/ACT and GMAT idiom lists

As part of my attempt to make the official repository of all things related to SAT, ACT, and GMAT grammar, Ive posted lists of preposition-based idioms for those tests. (For now, theyre the same as the ones in my SAT, ACT, and GMAT grammar books, but I will update them if I come across additional tests with other examples.) For SAT/ACT idioms, click here. For GMAT idioms, click here. Now, before anyone gets too excited, I feel obligated to issue the following disclaimer: preposition-based idiom questions are the very last question types you should spend time studying for, particularly if you are not a native English speaker. In other words, you should be consistently answering every other question type correctly before you devote serious time to memorizing long lists of idioms. Unlike other question types, idiom-based questions have absolutely no underlying logic. None. The answer is the answer because English happened to evolve one way and not another, end of story. Also: there is no way to predict which idiom(s) will appear on a given test. The fact that consist of was tested on a particular exam does not mean that it will appear again soon, or even ever again. In contrast, you can be pretty sure that questions targeting pronoun agreement, dangling modifiers, and parallel structure will show up regardless of when you happen to take the test. And: in the case of the GMAT, some questions may only appear to test idioms but be answerable by other means. (The GMAC does have a set of non-preposition-based idioms that it tests regularly, but Ill cover them in a separate post.) With that said, idiom questions do of course show up, and if they are the only thing standing between you and your score goal, then yes, theyre probably worth spending some time on. Enjoy!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Music Scholarship Essay Samples

Music Scholarship Essay SamplesMusic scholarship essay samples are widely available on the internet and can easily be used to help you with your music scholarship essay. The rules and regulations for each particular scholarship program are unique to each college or university, so there are lots of different sample essays that can be used to help you with your application.Music scholarship is one of the many forms of scholarships available to students who are pursuing a degree in the liberal arts and sciences as well as those in high school education, music, foreign languages and dance. The only requirement for music scholarship is that the student must be a student enrolled in an accredited school. A few examples of the types of music scholarship programs are:There are many ways in which you can apply for a music scholarship. It might be an admission scholarship, merit scholarship, study abroad, credit card scholarship, tuition scholarship, project-based scholarship, talent-based sch olarship, or any other program that will provide an education to a student. The first step towards applying for a music scholarship is to first find out how the program works.Once you have determined the type of scholarship you want to apply for, then you can search for the scholarship programs online. A simple search will show you all the sites that offer music scholarship essay samples. In some cases, your local newspaper or your community college library might also have a list of these samples available.In addition to the Internet, there are many books, journals, and magazines available that can give you information about the process of applying for a music scholarship and providing an academic record for a student who is applying for a scholarship in any field. These publications should also give you information about which schools will accept your application and which they will not.It is vital that you follow through with the instructions in the award letter when it comes to t he music scholarship essay samples. You must write an essay about how the scholarship will enhance your ability to make your musical career come to fruition.It can sometimes seem overwhelming when you first begin to write, but remember that formal writing is one of the most important parts of an essay. When you need to use multiple paragraphs or enclose a large amount of information, make sure that you have enough room to do so.Also, take the time to research the history of the topic you are writing about to make sure that it has the potential to be written in the best possible form. In general, the best way to learn how to write a music scholarship essay is to apply and write about the experience in a formal writing environment.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of The Poem Dover Beach - 998 Words

Arnold uses a range of technical means in order to express a shift in mood and sentiment within the poem ‘Dover Beach’. Rhythm is used as a significant device, Arnold uses an irregular rhythm alongside enjambment to create a discursive style. Arnold switches between using iamb’s and trochee’s, this technique highlights the transformation in tone, as by moving from an unstressed syllable to a stressed syllable the fluidity of the line is broken, this is potentially used to convey the journey from a serene message to one more sinister . In this way, Arnold introduces elements of incongruity in the rhythm, which are then echoed in a move from the calm â€Å"tranquil bay† to a darker more melancholy feel, as illustrated in the harsh sounds â€Å"grating† and â€Å"Swept†. Another effect is to conjure an image of the sea in the readers mind, Arnold highlights this most significantly in line 12, with the phrase â€Å"Begin, and cease, and then again begin†. The iambic pentameter conveys the theme of the tide moving in and out, which becomes a recurring motif throu ghout the poem in its entirety to establish the sentiment towards nostalgia. Likewise, this links closely to Arnold’s use of sea imagery, the first line at first appears factual and gives the reader the notion that the rest of the poem will be implicitly similar. Arnold uses the statement â€Å"The sea is calm tonight† to implant a vivid image into the reader’s head, it could be suggested this first line sets up a happy tone which is thenShow MoreRelatedDover Beach Poem Analysis1739 Words   |  7 PagesUpon reading Matthew Arnold’s poem, â€Å"Dover Beach†, I was greeted with a fleeting sense of tranquility and a lingering emotion of melancholy. Found in his carefully crafted words, Arnold gives an accurate representation of the beliefs held during the era of Realism by using descriptive imagery. His use of imagery is the primary aspect of the work that most interested me. For instance, in the first stanza, the narrator gives the reader the setting of â€Å"Dover Beach†. He states, â€Å"Upon the straits; onRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Dover Beach By Matthew Arnold1139 Words   |  5 PagesMonelle Shuman English Lit 202 K. Morefield December 1, 2014 An Analysis of â€Å"Dover Beach† by Matthew Arnold Dover Beach is thought to be one of the best representations of the Victorian Period all together. It portrays the mood and tone of what the people experienced and felt at that time. Around the same time it was written, London had just experienced a massive boom in their population, growing from 2 to 6 million citizens. At the same time, London was becoming one of the first in the countryRead MoreAnalysis on the Poem Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold1669 Words   |  7 PagesThe Poem â€Å"Dover Beach† is a dramatic monologue of thirty-seven lines, divided into four unequal sections or â€Å"paragraphs† of fourteen, six, eight, and nine lines. In the title, â€Å"Beach† is more significant than â€Å"Dover,† for it points at the controlling image of the poem. On a pleasant evening, the poet and his love are apparently in a room with a window affording a view of the straits of Dover on the southeast coast of England, perhaps in an inn. The poet looks out toward the French coast, someRead MoreThe Significance of Literary Knowledge in Parodic Poetry: A Look At Anthony Hecht’s The Dover Bitch1100 Words   |  5 Pagesreading with one frame of mind, key themes and ideas can be missed. Poems, on the other hand, can be vague and extremely difficult to pick apart. Poets rely on figurative language to make seemingly random word choices make sense within the right context, and having a vast knowledge of literature becomes essential when reading poetry because one never knows when an allusion can make all the difference. Anthony Hecht’s poem The Dover Bitch provides a good example of how figurative language and knowledgeRead MoreAnalysis Of Matthew Arnold s Dover Beach 1264 Words   |  6 Pagesin 1867, Matthew Arnold’s Dover Beach is short lyrical elegy that depicts a couple overlooking the English Channel, questioning the gradual, steady loss of faith of the time. Set against this backdrop of a society’s crisis of faith, Arnold artfully uses a range of literary techniques to reinforce the central theme of the poem, leading some to argue that Dover Beach was one of the first ‘free-verse’ poems of the language. Indeed, the structure and content of the poem goes against all traditionalRead MoreAnalysis of the Setting in My Last Duchess and Dover Beach Essay669 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of the Setting in My Last Duchess and Dover Beach At first glance the setting of a poem is the psychological and physiological environment in which the story takes place. In some instances, the setting is used to develop the characters. Robert Browning and Matthew Arnold use the setting to expose their character traits. My Last Duchess and Dover Beach, respectively, portray the weaknesses of the characters using elements from the setting. The text, page 629 and 630, tells us thatRead MoreDover Beach and Farenheit 4511461 Words   |  6 Pages English 2342 20 April 2011 Dover Beach and Fahrenheit 451 The classic poem, Dover Beach, written by Matthew Arnold, is a statement about losing faith as a result of enlightenment. In an emotionally charged scene in Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, fireman Guy Montag reads the poem aloud to his wife and her friends. Bradbury could have chosen any piece of literature for Montag to read as a means of unveiling his collection of hoarded books and his newfound interest in reading them. BradburyRead More Essay on Dover Beach: An Analysis1052 Words   |  5 Pages An Analysis of Dover Beachnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Dover Beach intrigued me as soon as I read the title. I have a great love of beaches, so I feel a connection with the speaker as he or she stands on the cliffs of Dover, looking out at the sea and reflecting on life. Arnold successfully captures the mystical beauty of the ocean as it echoes human existence and the struggles of life. The moods of the speaker throughout the poem change dramatically as do the moods of the sea. The irregular, unorderedRead MoreLove And Loss : Happy Endings By Margaret Atwood3620 Words   |  15 Pagesunfortunate, depressing. Most people would relate love and loss to romantic relationships that ended in breakups; on the contrary, â€Å"Confession Day† allows people to confess the pain they have felt through any of their losses. In the poems â€Å"She Walks in Beauty† by Lord Byron, â€Å"Dover Beach† by Matthew Arnold and in the short story â€Å"Happy Endings† by Margaret Atwood, it is noticed that love and loss can happen in different situations, to different people, at different times. These writings show love and loss inRead MoreAnalysis of Dover Beach and The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold 1960 Words   |  8 PagesAnalysis of Dover Beach and The Buried Life by Matthew Arnold Matthew Arnold is one of the many famous and prolific writers from the nineteenth century. Two of his best known works are entitled #61505;Dover Beach#61504; and #61505;The Buried Life.#61504; Although the exact date of composition is unknown, clearly they were both written in the early 1850s. The two poems have in common various characteristics, such as the theme and style. The feelings of the speakers of the poem also

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Business Communication for International Rights- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communication for International Human Rights. Answer: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. The above mentioned statement is given under the article 19(1) (a) of the Article found in part III of United Nations Constitution , Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It should be noted that every human being has nature and desires to do things and seek information about things in the environment. Thus, the above mentioned rights talks about the rights and responsibility of one individual to other to provide the equal right of information and initiate activities which they want to perform in the environment. A man in the environment is free to do activities which they desire to do, but such activities should not harm the interest of any other person present in the environment. It should be noted that the right given under this article is good for the people prevailing in the environment but can also be misused by people in order to succeed in their cruel intentions (Freeman 2017). Talking about the scope of this right, it should be noted that this right gives opportunity to all citizens to attain the right to freedom of speech and expression. Freedom of speech and expression refers to the right to express ones own feelings and opinions freely without facing any restrictions. This right helps a person in attaining self-fulfillment, discover truths, participate in decision-making, oppose to notions which they do not like and lastly form their own beliefs and communicate freely and openly. With the changing environment, the mind of people is also changing their way of thinking and expressing things. So, also with positive aspects there are many negative ways to use this freedom of expression. Initially talking about the positive aspects it should be noted that this right helps people in acknowledging their rights which can access and use them as well (O'Reilly 2016). People living in remote area do not have the knowledge about their rights and duties which they p ossess, so this right will provide them the opportunity to access information about their right and responsibilities of societies towards them. Further, this right also holds accountability in front of the democratic government as with the help of this right, a person can easily question the government about their future goals and activities. So, basically this right of freedom of expression is the basic right which helps a person in living their life easily (Joseph 2016). Criticizing the event, it should be noted that there are many ways in which this right can be misused by people present in the environment. Like, a person under the right to freedom of expression can seek information from the governmental for the future actions which they are going to initiate can hamper the future activities of the government (Spring 2014). A person attain such information can be a friend of alien company which can negatively affect the interest of the country also. Further, it should also be noted that people also misinterpret the right which is given to them under this section; they believe that they can express anything irrespective of the harm which other person can get with their expression (Buergenthal, Shelton, Stewart, and Vazquez 2017). But it should be noted that no right is absolute as every right has a corresponding duty. Thus, right to speech for a person can be restricted if their aim is to defame the name of any person or organization. Also, this righ t can be restricted from a person under public interest order, as if anything disturbs public tranquility or public peace then the government has the right to issue public order against it (Lupu 2015). Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events it should be noted that the right of freedom and expression is an important which should be availed by every person irrespective of their country, religion or sex. This right gives the opportunity to people to speak freely and express in their wishful manner. But this right also restricts the activities of people if they are initiated against the decency and morality of any other person or artificial body. References Buergenthal, T., Shelton, D., Stewart, D. and Vazquez, C., 2017. International human rights in a nutshell. West Academic. Freeman, M., 2017.Human rights. John Wiley Sons. Joseph, S., 2016. Civil and political rights. InInternational Human Rights Law(pp. 105-122). Routledge. Lupu, Y., 2015. Legislative veto players and the effects of international human rights agreements. American Journal of Political Science, 59(3), pp.578-594. O'Reilly, A., 2016. In Defence of Offence: Freedom of Expression, Offensive Speech, and the Approach of the European Court of Human Rights.Trinity CL Rev.,19, p.234. Spring, J., 2014.Globalization and educational rights: An intercivilizational analysis. Routledge.